Quilts of Enchantment
March 27 and 28, 2026
Friday ~9 AM to 5 PM Saturday ~9AM to 4 PM
Las Colcheras will present a great collection of judged quilts, special exhibits,
door prizes, demonstrations and more both days. Links will be available for more information. Please return frequently for updates.
Questions: LCquiltguild@gmail.com
Las Cruces Convention Center
680 East University Avenue, Las Cruces, New Mexico
$10.00 – One day entry fee
$15.00 – Two day entry fee
Children under 12 are free
Call for entries
You are invited to enter your quilt in our 16th Judged Quilt Show. Winning quilts receive beautiful handmade ribbons and cash awards. Las Colcheras Quilt Show is an Open (non-juried) show and quilts may be entered in a judged category or for display only. Ribbons and monetary prizes will be awarded to the top quilts in judged categories.
Categories, rule and entry forms will be posted as soon as they are available.
Quilt Show Categories Quilt Show Rules Quilt Show Entry Form Junior Entry Form